Friday, 20 November 2015

The 5 Sweet Reasons Why You Should Marry A Nurse

In this day and age, when most eligible bachelors takes a lady’s job into cognizance before deciding whether to marry her, Most guys think nurses are too occupied with their job, hence, they won’t spend quality with the family.
But here are 5 Sweet Advantages Of Marrying A Nurse

1. Nurses Understand The Human Body: When it comes to the human body, no one understands it better than a nurse who has mastered the art. Your  life will be on the first class level. Instead of a banker that will be calculating accounts in her head. A nurse knows where and how to give you the soothing relief.

2. Nurses Are Neat : Nurses are used to wearing white, which must always be kept clean. So, her undies and wears are always neat. Unlike the average market woman that will wear from morning going to market, till evening when she’ll return with all the sweating.

3. Financial Security : They are well paid these days, and will supplement your income as the husband. Very important in marriage. A nursing officer II in the federal service is on N120,000 monthly. Instead of giving out money for pad, soap dish, closeup, eye pencil, she takes care of it. A nurse don’t really fully on the husband for money.

4. Enough Time: For every 1 week of night duty, they take the next 1 week off..enough time to tend to the kids , while you continue hustling for your daily bread. And when she’s pregnant ? You should be familiar with the rules. 6 months maternity leave. Enjoyment. Again, unlike bankers, Monday to Saturday, 7am till 7pm.

5. Healthcare : Whenever you or the kids fall sick, you won’t get all worried and tensed up because you know you are in safe hands. You’ll get all the drugs, injections, massages and all the tender love & care you need.
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