Wednesday, 11 November 2015

7 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Looking Desperate

It doesn’t matter who broke up and why, you want him back no matter what. How do you get him back? What works, what doesn’t and why? Make sure you don’t mess up, or he might never want to hear about you again, let alone get back together.
Here are 7 tips to help you make him love you more than ever.
Reconnect with a text: Sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder—but other times, it causes that heart to seek out another woman. Bottom line: Don’t call first. “Try sending a sweet text, not one that will make him think you’re looking for a call,” says dating expert Julie Spira. “Think about something that you shared together that might warm his heart.” Example: Was listening to the radio and heard that Coldplay song. Brought back memories of the concert together. Hope you’re doing great. If he responds, he may be open to rekindling the spark.
2. Figure out whether he is single… If he doesn’t list his relationship status online, check out his Facebook photos to see whether the same girl reappears in various cozy poses with him. Or you can subtly feel him out by asking, in a Facebook message or e-mail, about old friends you both had, and then segue into a conversation about his personal life in general. Hopefully his love sitch will come up.
3. Forgive Him… The third step to getting your ex back is forgiveness. You’ll never be able to be together again if you can’t forgive each other. Initiate this yourself. Why did you break up? Did you cheat, did he cheat, did the love evaporate, or you got bored, what is it? It doesn’t really matter the point is that you give each other a clean slate. Don’t talk about what happened in the past with him… Start over. Click the reset button. Whatever he did wrong–get over it. Forgive yourself if you’ve made mistakes and forgive him, you are both guilty in one way or another, and reminding each other about it won’t help. You can’t get back together if you are enemies, so stay close to each other by forgiving. Let the past go. Every day is a new opportunity for you to have a better life with a great guy, maybe it’s him–and now that you’re starting over, you’ve learned from your mistakes, but you can continue on only when you manage to forgive.
4. Don’t Find a New Guy.. Listen, sure, finding some new dude may be okay for you as a bandade, but it won’t help you get your ex-boyfriend back. You should make him jealous in a smarter way. Like, he should see that there are guys mingling around you, but don’t let him see that you’ve actually found someone. Don’t post stupid, drunken-party pictures on Facebook of you making out with some random dude. That definitely won’t help, he’ll just hate you and he’ll feel hurt, almost as if you were cheating on him. Instead…he has to see that you are still emotionally available for him, you just need some space and time to heal after your break up. Hint him that you might like to get back together, but don’t attack him about it. Give him space and see how he reacts..
5. Avoid being available 24/7…That will only make him think that you’re just sitting around waiting for him to call. If you aren’t busy, then text him back, if you’re doing something, text or call him when you finish. Briefly say something like “sorry I couldn’t pick up, I was doing (whatever you were doing)” and don’t dwell on it or give details. Just casually mention it, and then go straight into the reason he called. Never make something up when you say what you were doing. For example, if you say you were out with a certain friend, but he saw that friend out doing something, it’s over.
6. Don’t be jealous. Jealousy is a common reason for a break up. If your boyfriend has always been faithful to you but you get jealous every time he even looks at another girl, you’re letting him know that even though he’s trustworthy, you don’t trust him. Think about it, can you honestly say you’ve never looked at a hot guy? Looking at someone is normal, we all do it. Never get mad or upset with your boyfriend because he’s normal. Jealousy is not an attractive trait in any person. If you really need to say something about it, say something like “she has really pretty hair, but that shirt? ugh, not so much” and let it go immediately.
7. Finally, Remember, no situation is hopeless. Every day, couples get back together regardless of the situation. Not all couples, but a lot. Just be patient and make it easy for him to approach you without feeling nervous, apprehensive, or unsure of how you’d handle it. If he feels comfortable around you, he’ll talk to you.

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